Tree Trimming
Trees Require Trimming, Too!Tree Responsibilities for Property OwnersNOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERSWe have had several complaints about trees overhanging streets and sidewalks. Please note the following City of Alton ordinances pertaining to trees, and take necessary action if you are in violation.5.04 DUTY TO TRIM TREES.The owner or agent of the abutting property shall keep the trees on or overhanging the street, trimmed so that all branches will be at least fifteen (15) feet above the surface of the street and eight (8) feet above the sidewalks. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12(2c))5.05 ASSESSMENT.If the abutting property owner fails to trim the trees as required in this chapter, the city may serve notice on the abutting property owner requiring him to do so within five (5) days. If he fails to trim the trees within that time, the city may perform the required action and assess the costs against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12(2d&e))